
Australia Takes A Stand Against UN

Australia is Taking a Stand Against the United Nations

The UN is now condemning all countries that don't agree with their Global Compact. One Nation played a big part in Australia's pushback against them, with many countries around the world now following Australia's lead, waking up and bowing out.The UN or any other foreign entity should never have power over Australia and our decisions as a country.We need One Nation protecting our voices.

Posted by Steve Dickson – Pauline Hanson's One Nation on Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The UN doesn’t look out for Australia’s interests so why should we be dictated to by them?

No one in Government would be talking about rejecting the UN if we didn’t have the guts to say what you’re thinking.

The UN is now condemning all countries that don’t agree with their Global Compact. One Nation played a big part in Australia’s pushback against them, with many countries around the world now following Australia’s lead, waking up and bowing out.

The UN or any other foreign entity should never have power over Australia and our decisions as a country.

We need One Nation protecting our voices.

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