“Haven’t Read It” Shorten says on Power Price Cut Report

This week the ACCC released its Retail Electricity Pricing Inquiry report, confirming power prices are far too high and slamming the failures of past Government’s regulation of power prices.

In response, Bill Shorten accused others of, “trying to use the report’s recommendations to placate the ‘knuckle-draggers of the cave-dwelling right of the Liberal Party’ with coal-fired power stations and calling for greater investment in renewable energy.” Australian 12/7

You would be forgiven for thinking Shorten would have actually read the report before making that accusation. After making his accusation he was:

“Asked whether he had read the report, Mr Shorten said: ‘No, I haven’t read the report.’

Its just another demonstration of what Australian’s can expect for their power bills under a Labor government.

Here’s just a few snippets of what the ACCC report said:

ACCC said:

“Low income households pay a much higher share of disposable income on electricity. They should not be paying more for electricity because of poor past decisions or inappropriate market behaviour.”

“The tightening of supply and demand, brought about mainly by the exit of large coal-fired generators, has seen a general ‘lift’ in wholesale prices.”

What One Nation has said in the past on coal fired power stations:

Pauline Hanson asked for 3 new coal fired power stations

Again the National Party have tried stealing another One Nation policy.During the last sitting of Parliament, I put to the Government that North Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria all need a new coal fired power station built to drive electricity prices down.I was told NO quite soon after that discussion took place.I wasn't shy about my plans either – I made sure people in Canberra knew I wanted them. Clearly that's where the National Party picked up the idea and ran with it today in the Australian. Perhaps the National Party can come and have a meeting with me and I'll share a some additional policies they can help me drive. Let's start with the Cane Growers Code of Conduct. Forget more reviews, there's been a Prime Minister's Inquiry under Abbott and a Senate Inquiry too. Both recommended a Code of Conduct. Review after review are simply time wasters, designed to stall the process.#Auspol #CaneGrowers #PaulineHanson #Labor #Nationals #LNP #OneNation

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Tuesday, July 3, 2018

“2017 Australian Energy Regulator figures reveal almost 60,000 households were on electricity hardship payments and another 151,862 customers were on electricity payment plans.

If we want cheap electricity in Australia, we must continue using coal fire power stations until renewable energy costs come down further. Stop knocking them down!

We must also FORCE gas and oil companies to open up the retention leases in Commonwealth waters to open up the flow of cheap gas.

We have a ‘domestic gas reserve’ policy in Western Australia which means 15% of gas produced off the West Coast must be given to the WA State Government to pass onto residents and businesses at cost price.

That would bring gas prices down to around $6.50 a gigajoule. Around half the current price we’re paying!” 30 March 2018.

Pauline Hanson calls for Gas Retention Leases to END in Australian Waters

News this morning that electricity prices are seeing record numbers of of almost 1000 homes a week in Victoria having their power cut off for failing to pay bills on time.2017 Australian Energy Regulator figures reveal almost 60,000 households were on electricity hardship payments and another 151,862 customers were on electricity payment plans.If we want cheap electricity in Australia, we must continue using coal fire power stations until renewable energy costs come down further. Stop knocking them down! We must also FORCE gas and oil companies to open up the retention leases in Commonwealth waters to open up the flow of cheap gas. We have a 'domestic gas reserve' policy in Western Australia which means 15% of gas produced off the West Coast must be given to the WA State Government to pass onto residents and businesses at cost price.That would bring gas prices down to around $6.50 a gigajoule. Around half the current price we're paying!#Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Gas #DomesticGasPolicy #Electricity #Victoria

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Thursday, March 29, 2018

ACCC said:

“Policies associated with the objective of reducing carbon emissions have been problematic. Australia has committed, through international treaties, to reduce its carbon emissions. The electricity sector has, understandably, been a key focus for these efforts given the historically carbon-intensive nature of electricity generation. However, various policy failures here have hurt consumers.”

What One Nation has said in the past on international treaty climate change policy:

ACCC said:

“Gas prices have doubled or tripled in recent years. We estimate that for every $1/GJ rise in gas prices, the wholesale price of electricity rises by up to $11/MWh … Encouraging increased supply of competitively priced gas is crucial to moderating electricity prices.”

What One Nation has said in the past on gas power prices:

Pauline Hanson says "Use it, or Lose it" to gas companies

Let's be clear on something, Australia does not have a shortage of gas. We have an abundance of conventional, cheap gas off the coast of Western Australia waiting to be brought onshore. We need the small number of multinational gas companies who own the rights to a large number of gas tenements/leases to turn on the tap.Successive Governments have issued retention leases for up to 40 years, even though gas companies refuse to pump the gas.I will be pushing for a "Use it, or Lose it" approach to these companies and ensure Australia does not face an even greater shortage or increased gas and electricity prices in this country. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Gas #Electricity #DomesticNeeds #Export

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Tuesday, September 26, 2017

As the ACCC said in its report, successive Liberal and Labor Governments have failed Australians when it comes to electricity prices. One Nation is the only party that can be trusted to bring up the tough issues, do the research and fix power prices.

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