
Migrants should pass assimilation test to get permanent visa

In 2016-17 a total of 40,000 permanent visas were issued to people from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. We have issued 291,975 permanent visas to people from these regions in the past decade.

These regions have vastly different customs and practices to those in Australia, including the highest rates of polygamous unions in the world.

In these regions, it is common for a rich man to take an extra wife, but for each additional wife, a poor man must remain single.

Boko Haram and Islamic State, which require women to wear the burka, are able to sell their toxic brand of extremism to poor single men and then export terrorism around the world, even as Islamic State is being pushed out of Syria.

On August 17 last year, I wore a burka into the Senate to draw ­attention to the failed immigration policy and the inappropriate ­wearing of full-face coverings in public and our federal parliament. The burka puts the issues of extremism, gender equality and integration front and centre of the immigration debate.

Pauline Hanson wears a burqa into parliament

I have long believed that full face coverings, such as the burqa, were oppressive, presented barriers to assimilation, disadvantaged women from finding employment, were causing issues inside our justice system, presented a clear security threat and has no place in modern Western society.Today the Government and opposition have confirmed they refuse to listen to the majority of people in Australia and ban full face coverings.When will our politicians listen to the people?#Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Burqa #Parliament

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The burka is not a religious requirement and it is no secret I want to see it banned in public spaces where possible, but less well known is many Muslims agree with me.

PAULINE HANSON BURQA BAN | Senate speech on public full face c…

My full speech on the need to ban full face coverings in public.I hope you take the time to listen and then let me know your opinion because these are important issues that we, as a society, need to discuss.We cannot hide from these debates because some people are afraid of causing offence.

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Thursday, August 17, 2017

In 2014 a British imam, Taj Hargey, from Oxford, campaigned for a British burka ban, describing the burka as a “tribal piece of cloth that is eagerly used by fundamentalist zealots”.

Australian Muslims are a diverse group, but a minority within that diverse group treat women as second-class citizens and live in closed communities where migrants have failed to integrate.

Only last week a Sydney Muslim preacher, Nassim Abdi from Auburn, condoned marital rape and said a woman who refused marital intimacy would be cursed.

The NSW Minister for Family and Community Services said the preacher was out of step with Australian values, which is but one example of a separate community created by failed immigration policy.

Our new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, says it is 100 per cent wrong for men and women, in polygamous relationships to claim Centrelink benefits, but it seems he also refuses to enforce our laws and put an end to the welfare rort practice.

This is wrong because taxpayers are being forced to meet the financial needs of people who do not want to work and it takes money away from those in genuine need.

Instead of throwing in the towel, the government should be looking at solutions to this ­problem, because the government is increasingly giving permanent visas to people from countries where polygamy, child marriage, female genital mutilation, and gender inequality is common.

Of course here in Australia a man does not need to be rich or steal cows to get the bride price for an extra wife, he just needs to access Centrelink.

South Australian imam Mohammad Tawhidi recently told me of a polygamous man with four wives and 11 children who had managed to pay off more than one home while living exclusively on Centrelink benefits.

Pauline Hanson speaks with Imam Tawhidi about Muslim issues facing Australia

Imam Tawhidi has been an outspoken Muslim leader over problems the world faces with radical Islam.He took the time out to visit me in Brisbane and have a very open and frank discussion about One Nation policies on Islam, how Australia can prevent radicals being granted access to our shores and how to keep our nation safe.It's a long interview, but you will learn a very surprising fact on where Australia's biggest mosque is.#Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Imam #Tawhidi #Australia #Islam #Brisbane

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Thursday, May 17, 2018

The imam observed Centrelink is the new mosque because Muslims could go to Centrelink rather than the mosque when they were in financial need.

It is time we assess whether ­applicants, including those under the humanitarian program, are likely to assimilate and work ­because once a permanent visa is granted that person only needs to get 12 questions right out of 20 in a multiple choice test to gain ­citizenship.

Large-scale legal immigration is driving more than 60 per cent of our population growth and will change our culture, but we can do better at selecting immigrants by acknowledging that the customs and practices in the country of origin are unlikely to be given up just because individuals have migrated to Australia.

The Immigration Debate Cannot Be Silenced | Pauline Hanson Speech

Labor and the Greens are scared to debate immigration because they know their political future depends on it.That is why Labor and the Greens teamed up to prevent me from debating my bill to give you a say on Australia's immigration numbers.So today I took the opportunity to speak out, not just about my bill to give everyday Aussies a say on immigration but ALSO on my bill to strengthen Australian citizenships by requiring much stronger English language tests and much longer waiting times for citizenships.When they try and shut you down, speak out twice as loud!

Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The number of children treated for injuries from female genital mutilation is horrifying and the problems are lifelong for them and costly for us in terms of the care they need. The fact is taxpayers are meeting these additional costs when too many Australians are unable to afford dental care and general medical costs.

Last year the Australian Medical Association reported on the incidence of female genital mutila­tion.

It found the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne was treating between 600 and 700 women annually, and that is just one hospital in Australia. On that basis, we could expect tens of thousands of women to have been treated or are being treated for female genital mutilation.

All I ask is that before we grant a permanent visa there should be a finding that the individual has a reasonable prospect of integrating socially and economically into Australia.


Pauline Hanson

One Nation President and Senator

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