Labor government denies child medical oxygen

Labor government denies child medical oxygen
Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has called out the Premier, the Minister for Health and Queensland Health over a 9 year old child being denied medical oxygen.
“Yesterday in Parliament, I asked Premier Palaszczuk a Question Without Notice as to why this child was being denied oxygen”, Mr Dickson said.
“This is a disgraceful pig-headed situation. The young girl suffers from 18 medical conditions including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, scoliosis, communicating hydrocephalus, oesophageal dysmotility, hypotonia with central origin, feeding difficulties, hip dysplasia, chronic neonatal lung disease, global developmental delay, gastrostomy, macrocephaly, tracheomalacia, laryngomalacia, plagiocephaly, intellectual impairment, obstructive sleep apnoea with hyper-ventilation and auto-immune disease.”
Mr Dickson added, “For the past 3 years, Kaitlyn has been using medical cannabis oil after pharmaceutical drugs were causing up to 60 seizures a day, making life near unbearable. Now all of a sudden, doctors at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital have decided they will not supply bottled oxygen to the child, which she has been receiving since she was born.”
Kaitlyn’s mother Katrina Spraggon says, “In early August I put in a complaint under the public interest disclosure act to the Queensland Premier and Health Minister regarding serious allegations of misconduct by Queensland Health who are refusing to give my daughter and hundreds of others with severe epilepsy in Queensland, a legal prescription for medicinal cannabis".
“Queensland Health doctors have allowed me to give Kaitlyn cannabis medicine in hospital for nearly three years with the Director stating he has put the policy aside because medicinal cannabis is very effective for Kaitlyn. Discharge notes from her last visit on 27 August 2017 even tell me to give her ‘THC and THCA cannabis oil for seizure management’ but they refuse to give a prescription. Next thing I know I get home from the hospital and two Queensland Police detectives pull up with a search warrant for illegal cannabis medicine - reported by Queensland Health!”
Ms Spraggon said, “I'm absolutely speechless to find out today that the Premier has forwarded my complaint for investigation to the same Queensland Health staff that I have specifically named in my complaint. I would hate to think that Kaitlyn being denied oxygen has anything to do with me lodging a complaint.
“I don't want to break the law! I want a legal medicine so my child can go to school - she has been not allowed to attend also because her medicine isn't legal. Cannabis medicine has given me back a child I was told I would never know - I'm still getting to know her after so many years heavily sedated, clinging to life, giving her CPR every other week when she was on pharmaceutical medication.
“The director from Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital stated if I take her to hospital this is the medicine they will force her back on (pharmaceutical) - it's beyond cruel. The Queensland Government is torturing us and other families and it must stop now!”
“Queensland Health need to stop bullying doctors into not prescribing what they know children need!" This isn't the first time Queensland Health have withheld oxygen from my daughter and this is the reason that she has all of these health problems. I have a case pending and the strain on my family is inconceivable.”
Ms Spraggon stated, “With regard to the Premier’s answer to Mr Dickson’s Question in Parliament, I was mortified to hear the Premier tell the Parliament that I am refusing treatment for my daughter. I have documents from Queensland Health to prove that I am not. As a mother, I simply want life-saving treatment for my daughter.”
“Finally, in answer to my Question in Parliament, the Premier stated that a meeting is scheduled for this Friday with Katrina and the Health Minister. And I will be attending with her to ensure the best outcome for Kaitlyn. I just don’t trust this Labor government”, Mr Dickson said.

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