One Nation Labels Mark McGowan ‘the States Greatest Let Down’

One Nation Labels Mark McGowan ‘the States Greatest Let Down’
Western Australian One Nation leader Colin Tincknell has labelled Premier Mark McGowan, the states greatest let down.
After just 6 months since One Nation successfully won three Upper House seats, the Labor leader has met only once with leader Colin Tincknell, while meeting on numerous occasions with other cross bench parties.
Mr Tincknell said “The inexperience of this fresh faced Labor Government has become very evident, with a Premier who is too cowardly to put party politics to one side and work closely with all cross bench members for the betterment of all Western Australians.”
“One Nation came into this parliament with a constructive attitude to work with Labor and ensure good policy was supported, however we have seen minimal policy and an anti-jobs budget that has zero commitment to paying down debt - instead burdening taxpayers with billions more, added to the states overdraft.”
“For a budget that took this Government an extra 6 months to prepare, it’s fraught with job loss signals, company growth disincentives, damaging mining taxes and very little confidence in a Government that clearly made nothing but false promises.”
One Nation MLC’s have previously requested advanced briefing sessions with Government Ministers, yet Labor’s tactic has been to stall those briefings until hours before a vote, leaving cross bench members little time to make fully informed decisions. Mr Tincknell said “I’m unclear on whether this is a deliberate tactic of the Government or complete incompetency. Something tells me it’s a bit of both”.
“I have called on the Premier to assist all cross bench Members with adequate staffing resources to assist in making the right, informed decisions for all of Western Australia - however he has only met the request for the Shooters and LDP”.
“In my previous career I was a negotiator within the mining sector and let me assure you, this Premier lacks any negotiation skills and is in over his head as the State Leader”.
The One Nation leader will again this week seek dialogue with the Premier, to sure up staffing requirements and deliver the parties rejection of the proposed increases to gold royalties and job destroying payroll tax hikes, that all industries can least afford. — END —

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