Pauline Hanson inland rail invitation falls on deaf ears.

Pauline Hanson inland rail invitation falls on deaf ears.
One Nation Sentor Pauline Hanson has expressed her disappointment that the Minister for Infrastructure, Darren Chester has ignored her invitation earlier this week to visit the site of a controversial new inland railway proposal to meet and speak with locals and see for himself the problems with the site.
Earlier this month Senator Hanson visited the site and spoke with locals and seeing the proposed site for herself, she decided to support an alternate route and speak to the Minister.
“The route has been put together by the Australian Rail and Track Corporation who’ve chosen a path that goes right through the middle of known floodplains and cuts through the guts of farmers homes and properties,” Senator Hanson said.
“The silly part about this upset, is there is another viable route that doesn’t go through floodplain, nor does it go through prime agricultural land. Instead, it goes through state forestry.”
“If Darren Chester had taken up my offer and visited the actual place his plan will impact, he might have learned this for himself.”
“I’m tired of these fly-in-fly-out Ministers who don’t pay attention to the locals or the community that these projects will affect. This community isn’t against a railway, they’re simply opposed to the route it will take given the hurdles the Government will face. They’re proposing a very logical option to make it a win-win situation.”
Unimpressed but undeterred, Senator Hanson has now committed to take the matter to the Prime Minister.

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