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Pauline gets fired up over $200,000 pension for Julie Bishop

Sorry in advance for getting so fired up but the thought of Julie Bishop walking away and pocketing a political pension of $200,000 plus makes my blood boil! One Nation has consistently fought for ...

Merry Christmas from Mark Latham

The Left get offended by the term ‘HAPPY CHRISTMAS’ – so we’re saying it. Have a great Christmas everyone and look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail in January. “Hi I’m Mark Latham, New S...

Tasmania Goes Genderless – “Girl” & “Boy” Under Attack

The Tasmanian politicians have gone mad and your gender is at stake! By default, gender on birth certificates will now be blank in Tasmania. Labor seems to be all over the place with their policy t...

Mark Latham Joins One Nation

I am very proud to announce that Mark Latham has joined One Nation. Mark will be the party’s New South Wales state leader and will be running for the NSW legislative council at the next state elect...

Bureaucrat Benefits Balloon Out Of Control

DOES IT PASS THE PUB TEST? Taxpayers forked out more than $365,000 in just six months to send empty VIP jets to collect federal government ministers. The RAAF’s five special-­purpose planes flew wi...