Our Pauline bobblehead proudly sits in our home’s front entrance for all to see. It’s great quality, and as far as bobbleheads go, the detail is superior, superior just like the One Nation party.
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- Yiannopoulos
Nauru Gets 1 Doctor per 8 People, Small Australian Towns Get None
Pauline Hanson says couch potatoes should help flood and drought affected farmers SMALL TOWNS ARE IN NEED OF DOCTORS, YET OUR GOVERNMENT HAVE GIVEN 1 DOCTOR FOR EVERY 8 ILLEGAL, ECONOMIC MIGRANTThe...
Australia Takes A Stand Against UN
The UN doesn’t look out for Australia’s interests so why should we be dictated to by them? No one in Government would be talking about rejecting the UN if we didn’t have the guts to say what you’re...
Senate Sells Out Australia for People Smugglers
I’m sorry to have to tell you but yesterday the Senate sold you out. Thanks to the Greens, Derryn Hinch, Centre Alliance (Xenophon), Tim Storer and Labor a bill was passed that will, weaken our bor...
Morrison Government Goes Soft On Illegal Asylum Seekers
Nauru planes have delivered the first lot of illegal asylum seekers to Adelaide from the island nation after the Government said they’d never resettle in Australia. One Nation is not happy about th...