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One Nation calls to abolish preferences

Get Rid Of Preferences SCOTT MORRISON SHOULD CHANGE THE VOTING SYSTEMWith Scott Morrison’s announcement that he’d prefer to do a preference deal with the Greens and Labor ahead of One Nation, the v...

Pauline gets fired up over $200,000 pension for Julie Bishop

Sorry in advance for getting so fired up but the thought of Julie Bishop walking away and pocketing a political pension of $200,000 plus makes my blood boil! One Nation has consistently fought for ...

PNG Doubles Down On Luxury Car Foreign Aid Shopping Spree

PNG GOVERNMENT ADDS 3 BENTLEYS TO THE 40 MASERATIS If it wasn’t bad enough that the PNG Government bought 40 Maserati’s for the upcoming APEC Summit, they’ve been caught out buying an additional 3 ...

Bureaucrat Benefits Balloon Out Of Control

DOES IT PASS THE PUB TEST? Taxpayers forked out more than $365,000 in just six months to send empty VIP jets to collect federal government ministers. The RAAF’s five special-­purpose planes flew wi...