The Alboriginal shirt pretty much says it all about our most pathetic, incompetent, divisive PM.
Put in with this year's calendar. Keeping for the sake of keepsake, plus, they're funny as ****. Love you Pauline.
One Nation calls to abolish preferences
Get Rid Of Preferences SCOTT MORRISON SHOULD CHANGE THE VOTING SYSTEMWith Scott Morrison’s announcement that he’d prefer to do a preference deal with the Greens and Labor ahead of One Nation, the v...
Pauline gets fired up over $200,000 pension for Julie Bishop
Sorry in advance for getting so fired up but the thought of Julie Bishop walking away and pocketing a political pension of $200,000 plus makes my blood boil! One Nation has consistently fought for ...
Bureaucrat Benefits Balloon Out Of Control
DOES IT PASS THE PUB TEST? Taxpayers forked out more than $365,000 in just six months to send empty VIP jets to collect federal government ministers. The RAAF’s five special-purpose planes flew wi...