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#AusExit – One Nation says pull out of Paris Accord & UN

The United Nations is a con. They’ve come to the conclusion that Australia and similar countries need to contribute to a fund to the tune of $100 Billion per year to support their crusade against c...

Australia Takes A Stand Against UN

The UN doesn’t look out for Australia’s interests so why should we be dictated to by them? No one in Government would be talking about rejecting the UN if we didn’t have the guts to say what you’re...

Tasmania Goes Genderless – “Girl” & “Boy” Under Attack

The Tasmanian politicians have gone mad and your gender is at stake! By default, gender on birth certificates will now be blank in Tasmania. Labor seems to be all over the place with their policy t...

One Nation to block asset sales to foreigners if elected

We are tired of our assets including railroads, energy, land and support facilities being under the control of foreigners. Like many other countries in the world, foreigners should not be allowed t...

Saving Australia with Zero Net Immigration

One Nation is the only party planning for Australia’s future. Where the two major parties want to bring in 230,000+ immigrants per year—stealing Australian jobs and putting a strain on infrastructu...

Steve Dickson Thanks People of Longman

A big thank you to everyone who came out on the weekend and supported One Nation at the Longman byelection. We achieved a 66% increase in primary votes from 9.42% in 2016 to a staggering 15.96% ove...