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The Truth About One Nation Preferences

Not many people know how preferences work and believe if they vote 1 for One Nation, the party will decide where that vote goes if the candidate isn’t elected. Preferences are unavoidable because v...

One Nation to run Candidates in Every State

YOU CAN VOTE FOR ONE NATION IN EVERY STATE OF AUSTRALIA Pauline is back on deck after the surgery and just in time for the election that’s been called. There’s never been a more important time for ...

One Nation calls to abolish preferences

Get Rid Of Preferences SCOTT MORRISON SHOULD CHANGE THE VOTING SYSTEMWith Scott Morrison’s announcement that he’d prefer to do a preference deal with the Greens and Labor ahead of One Nation, the v...

Immigration cut just a smoke screen

Pauline Hanson says Scott Morrisons immigration cuts are a smoke screen IMMIGRATION CUTS – JUST A SMOKE SCREENThe truth is, Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten will not reduce immigration numbers.Like ...

Pauline gets fired up over $200,000 pension for Julie Bishop

Sorry in advance for getting so fired up but the thought of Julie Bishop walking away and pocketing a political pension of $200,000 plus makes my blood boil! One Nation has consistently fought for ...

Pauline on listening tour of Tasmania with Senate Candidate

I’m never one to sit on the fence when it comes to my politics, but I’m happy to do it on the farm. I’m here with Matthew Stephen for Tasmania – Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, our Senate candidate. E...