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Government Drought Package a Joke

This week we saw the government announce how it planned to help drought affected farmers. While the announcement outlined $3.9 billion was going to farmers, in reality this is just going to be held...

Pauline Hits the Dirt Road Again

No stranger to red dust, Pauline Hanson has hit the regions again in an impromptu tour of regional Queensland. Making her way to Capricornia, inland and north from there, Pauline has yet again hit ...

Senate Says: Not Okay To Be White

This week Pauline Hanson moved this motion in the Senate: You can watch her accompanying speech and the ridiculous response from Derryn Hinch and the Greens below: While the Government initially su...

PNG Doubles Down On Luxury Car Foreign Aid Shopping Spree

PNG GOVERNMENT ADDS 3 BENTLEYS TO THE 40 MASERATIS If it wasn’t bad enough that the PNG Government bought 40 Maserati’s for the upcoming APEC Summit, they’ve been caught out buying an additional 3 ...

Major Parties Call For Immigration Cut – Where Have We Heard That Before?

It seems One Nation’s message is really taking hold and everyone one in Australia is waking up to the fact that immigration rates are too high. NSW premier finally realised what One Nation has been...

U.N. Dictates To PM: Listen Or Else

All you have to do is look at a report handed down by the UN to see why One Nation has been calling for Australia to exit the Paris Climate Agreement and stand up to the bullying UN bureaucrats who...