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Pauline Hanson Calls for Construction of Bradfield and Ord Schemes to Drought Proof Inland Australia

Video Transcript: Paul Murray:                         Let’s finish off here with the very serious situation of what’s happening in the Murray-Darling, where yet again another example of the huge c...

Beef Kicked Out For Solar Farms

As you’re all aware, I’ve called for a Senate Inquiry into solar panels here in Australia. You can read the press release I put up this morning. I’ve been out inspecting what will be the largest so...

Malcolm Roberts Slams MDBA for Murray Darling Fish Deaths

In the past few months there have been two algal bloom events in the Darling River near Menindee which has killed hundreds of thousands if not millions of fish. It is devastating. A real environmen...

Pauline Hanson Calls to Exterminate Cane Toads

Last week I wrote to the Prime Minister suggesting a cane toad cull with the help of the public. There are over 200 million of these vermin cane toads across the country. Since their misguided intr...

Pauline Hits the Dirt Road Again

No stranger to red dust, Pauline Hanson has hit the regions again in an impromptu tour of regional Queensland. Making her way to Capricornia, inland and north from there, Pauline has yet again hit ...

One Nation to block asset sales to foreigners if elected

We are tired of our assets including railroads, energy, land and support facilities being under the control of foreigners. Like many other countries in the world, foreigners should not be allowed t...