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Major Parties Call For Immigration Cut – Where Have We Heard That Before?

It seems One Nation’s message is really taking hold and everyone one in Australia is waking up to the fact that immigration rates are too high. NSW premier finally realised what One Nation has been...

Hanson hits the high seas on operation sovereign borders

On Thursday, Senator Hanson neared the end of her stay with the Navy. “It’s been a great couple of days off the Northern Territory on board HMAS Bathurst as part of the ADF Parliamentary Program.” ...

Migrants should pass assimilation test to get permanent visa

In 2016-17 a total of 40,000 permanent visas were issued to people from sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. We have issued 291,975 permanent visas to people from these regions in ...

Have Your Say On Immigration

There’s limited time to have your say in Australia’s Citizenship Test. Scott Morrison has said the Government will not slow up the annual 190,000 migrant intake for the next 3 years. With this in m...